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For MSYS Inc., the project was an extensive corporate website recreation, moving away from their previous WordPress platform. The new design needed to reflect MSYS Inc.'s reputation for providing top-tier IT consulting and app development services. Our team's strategy was to create a sleek, professional site that allows for intuitive navigation and showcases MSYS Inc.'s full spectrum of services and successful partnerships. With a focus on the company's strengths, such as ERP consulting and innovative solutions, the redesign emphasizes their expertise and the trust they've garnered from high-profile clients. We streamlined the content layout to highlight MSYS Inc.'s commitment to quality, evident from their ISO 9001 certification and leveraged responsive design to ensure the site's optimal performance across all devices. The redesign reinforces MSYS Inc.'s brand as a leader in IT services, with a robust platform that stands out in the competitive tech industry.

Homepage view

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